CALL-IS Software List
Alphabetical Listing - C
Compiled by Deborah Healey
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CALL for English Library Disks
- Machine: Win vocabulary, grammar
Publisher: Wida Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $50
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Special use: TOEFL
Eurocentres teachers have used Wida's authoring programs and created ready-to-go library disks for almost all levels, elementary to advanced, concentrating on vocabulary, grammar practice, etc, but also exam practice including TOEFL. There are 35 disks in all. 27 of the titles are available in Macintosh format (contact the publisher for details). Windows version due out in February 1999; that will be called the Eurocentres CALL Library for English. These packages are now sold by Wida.
- Machine: Win vocabulary, reading
Publisher: Wida Software
Purchase options: Contact publisher
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: HE
Uses Wida's Gapmaster program to offer a range of practice materials for English for Academic Purposes students. 21 exercises work on finding the missing words, word building, finding and correcting mistakes in a text, answering questions about a written text, and analyzing data in a table. A student workbook, teacher's manual, and learner's manual are included.
Canadian Links for ESL
- Machine: Win vocabulary, grammar
Publisher: NAS Educational Software
Approximate single-unit price: $195
Purchase options: site license $595
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 9-12, Adult
Designed for new immigrants to Canada, this uses multiple choice quizzes, typing and dragging exercises, and database searches on health, job search, vocabulary, grammar, literacy, and life skills topics. Minimum hardware requirements: 286 IBM/compatible, color monitor, mouse. Site license for $600.
Cat Came Back, The
- Machine: Mac, Win reading
Publisher: Sanctuary Woods/Magic Quest
Approximate single-unit price: $40
Level: Beginning For: K-6
Special use: Elementary, bilingual (Fr., Sp.)
Stories can be read in English, French, or Spanish. Students can record and play back their voices while pronouncing any of the 1311 words in the story. They can also sing along to the story's song and create and their own stories with graphics. A teacher's manual is included, with lesson plans, worksheets, and blackline masters. Requires CD-ROM drive.
- Machine: Mac authoring
Publisher: Center for Educational Technology
See also
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
HyperCard authoring program for creating dictations from music CDs. Teacher plays a song, marking relevant segments. She then types in (or copies and pastes) the lyrics corresponding to those segments. The student's job is to type in the lyrics (or part of the lyrics) as she is listening to the song on the CD. If she's correct, the song continues playing. Interesting use of hypermedia in a widely available medium, but fairly hardware-intensive and time-consuming to prepare. Teachers are advised to get students to do as much of the preparatory work as possible, e.g. picking music and typing in lyrics for each other. (JM) Our teachers have created a number of these, and students enjoy them a great deal. (DH)
Cell ebration
- Machine: Mac listening
Publisher: Science for Kids
Level: Beginning For: K-6
Special use: Science, elementary
A thematic science curriculum on the Cell for K-6 classrooms in English and Spanish. Requires a CD-ROM drive. Students play the computer-based game ÒWhatÕs alive?,Ó learn about magnification (The program comes with a microscope and pre-stained slides.), learn about cells from the scientists who first developed microscopes and discovered cells (Anton can Leeuwenhoek and Robert Hooke), and design ÒnewÓ cells based on what theyÕve learned in the lessons.
- Machine: Win reading, writing, speaking
Publisher: Protea Textware
Approximate single-unit price: $45
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
Teaches and tests a wide range of skills covering all Learning Outcomes at Levels 2, 3 and 4 of the Reading and Writing, Oral Communication and Numeracy and Mathematics Streams of the Australian CGEA test. Australian English.
Charlotte's Web
- Machine: Mac reading
Publisher: Computers for Education
See also
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: Grade 4-12
This HyperCard stack by Elizabeth Hanson-Smith, Cinny Cowgill, and Trang Nguyen offers students a quiz on the characters in Charlotte's Web. A reference button allows students to look up names of the characters.
Children's Classics
- Machine: Win/Mac reading, listening
Publisher: Q USA
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Purchase options: lab, network, site
Level: Beginning For: K-6
Special use: Bilingual (Sp, Fr, Ger)
Children's Classics features a multilingual format, in two modes: one where students listen to native speakers; and one where students read the story and choose to record/replay their voices. Switch easily among English, French, German, and Spanish. Also features built-in glossary plus writing activities. Exciting games with each story, sequencing, concentration, and multiple choice. Stories include Jack and the Beanstalk, Pinocchio, and Peter Pan. CD-ROM.
- Machine: Mac, Win authoring
Publisher: Wida Software
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $110
Purchase options: site
Level: Teacher For: Teacher
Produces multiple choice tests with feedback for right and wrong answers. Now included in Wida's Authoring Suite. Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT supported.
Choices 1.1
- Machine: Win authoring
Publisher: Creative Technology
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Teacher For: T
This program by Martin Holmes enables teachers to create multiple-choice quizzes which students can do on the computer. Hints can be included as feedback to student responses, and quizzes can be done as timed tests or with no time limit. At the end of each quiz, the student receives a percentage score. (This is a sister program for ClozeMaker, with a very similar interface.) Freeware.
Churchill House First Certificate Program
- Machine: Win writing, grammar
Publisher: Churchill House
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Download this free software program from to help students revise for the tricky "spot the error" question on the Cambridge First Certificate Exam (FCE). It's also suitable for intermediate and advanced students who want to work on their grammar.
Citizenship Preparation Program
- Machine: Mac, Win comprehensive
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $300
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: Adult
Special use: Citizenship
This CD-ROM-based program uses text, graphics, and audio to help learners prepare for the written and oral portions of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) Citizenship Test. Students learn about US history and government in preparation for the test. They can listen to questions and record their answers for later review. Quizzes are included so students can check their understanding. The program requires a sound card, microphone, and headset. Lab pack of 5 is $590, of 10 is $885; a network version is $1180. A demo is on the TESOL/CELIA CD-ROM.
Civilization II
- Machine: Win reading, discussion
Publisher: MicroProse
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Advanced For: All but K-6
The strength of this program is in the way students must link their own game-playing strategies with the way that inventions and technology might have been discovered and developed: you can't have literature without writing, and you can't have writing without the alphabet; and this applies all the way up to building a space-station. Students obtain knowledge through reading about the developments on screen (the file that creates them can be edited easily if required). One thing that I and a colleague (who used the game in a larger context) agree on is that the most important factor is the recording of information by the students as they play. He also gets them to write a summary of the day's play. I asked mine to copy the screens as they appeared. Effective for group work or individual play. Before teachers use the program they should run it several times themselves but should be careful as it is addictive. I would also recommend a companion book (unavailable here): Wilson, Johnny L. and Alan Emrich. Sid Meier's Civilization: or Rome on 640k a day. Prima Publishing: California, 1992.
Classroom Newspaper Workshop
- Machine: Mac writing
Publisher: Tom Snyder Productions
Approximate single-unit price: $150
Purchase options: lab, site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Tutorial to teach students how to do a class newspaper. Includes brainstorming, grammar, editing, layout, and reporting skills. Available on CD-ROM or disk; includes teacher's guide, 30 student workbooks, and electronic newspaper templates.
Classworks Gold
- Machine: Mac, Win comprehensive
Publisher: Knowledge Adventure
Approximate single-unit price: $20000
Purchase options: network only
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
A comprehensive, network-based management program that includes a range of software by grade level. Not designed specifically for ESL. Pricing depends on the number of stations on the network and extent of the software purchased. Basic packages start around $20,000.
Clear Speech Works
- Machine: Win, Mac pronunciation
Publisher: DynEd
Purchase options: Contact publisher for pricing
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
An earlier version was also sold as Speech Works from Trinity Software; this is now from DynEd. Learners can select lessons by their native language or see all the lessons. Learners can listen, record, and review words, phrases, and sentences. There is a technical vocabulary component, so learners in different disciplines can practice field-specific vocabulary. The focus is more on sounds than on stress and intonation, though those lessons are also included.
Click into English
- Machine: Win reading
Publisher: Clarity Language Consultants
See also
Alta ESL
World of Reading
Comenius Group, NAS
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
Click into English, designed by the Adult Multicultural Education Service in Australia, is designed for intermediate and advanced students who have to tackle different text types in their work or study. The selection and sequencing of the content in the CD follows a genre-based methodology: the presentation of a model text, with certain features highlighted, is followed by practice activities and an assessment. CD-ROM.
Clozemaker 1.1
- Machine: Win authoring
Publisher: Creative Technology
Purchase options: freeware
Level: Teacher For: T
This program from Martin Holmes enables teachers to create cloze (gap-fill) exercises which students can do on the computer. Clozes can be created by automatic gapping of every nth word in a text, or by selecting words to be removed. Students can do the exercises as timed tests or with no time limit, and students may choose to see a list of the missing words, or the complete text of the cloze if they wish. At the end of each quiz, the student receives a percentage score. (This is a sister program for Choices, with a very similar interface.) Freeware.
Coin Changer
- Machine: Mac vocabulary
Publisher: Heartsoft
Approximate single-unit price: $35
Purchase options: lab, site, network
Level: Literacy, beginning For: All
Special use: bilingual
Practice for beginners in recognizing the value of (US) coins and bills. The ESL version includes a set of disks in Spanish as well as in English. This program is also sold as part of the Heartsoft Bestseller package.
Collins Cobuild on CD-ROM
- Machine: Win reference
Publisher: Athelstan
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
This CD-ROM integrates the Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary, Collins COBUILD English Usage, and Collins COBUILD English Grammar, together with a Word Bank containing 5 million words selected from the Collins COBUILD Bank of English corpus. It has over 70,000 references and over 90,000 real examples and over 2,000 usage points with thousands of real examples.
Collins On-Line Complete Edition CD-ROM
- Machine: Win reference
Publisher: LinguaTech
See also
Delta Systems
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-6
This contains the Collins Pocket Bilinguals (French, German, Spanish, Italian) and a computer-based version of the COBUILD ESL Student's Dictionary that can be accessed from within any word processing program. Students can highlight a word either in a reading assignment entered by the teacher or while word processing and jump immediately into the dictionary to check its meaning or spelling. A five CD-ROM pack is $200, a ten-user license (1 CD-ROM, all dictionaries) is $350.00, and the Collins On-Line Network Utility (required to run Collins On-Line from a network server) is $150.
Community Exploration
- Machine: Mac, Win discussion
Publisher: Jostens Home Learning
See also
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: All
Learners interact with people in different settings in the virtual community of Cornerstone. They can take trips to the airport, supermarket, library, museum, bank, bus station, and other common locations around town. They will need tasks set by a teacher, however, for language learning benefit.
Complete Shakespeare Collection, The
- Machine: Win Reading
Publisher: H+a Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Advanced For: 9-12, HE
Complete works of Shakespeare plus the American Heritage Dictionary, study notes, sample tests, and essay questions. On CD-ROM.
Compton's Encyclopedia Deluxe
- Machine: Win vocabulary
Publisher: Learning Company, The
See also
Learning Services
Approximate single-unit price: $20
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-3
A CD-ROM based encyclopedia, which is notable for its ease of navigation and quality of articles, which are written at 10th grade reading level. Its multimedia elements are somewhat uneven--the charts and photos are excellent comprehension aids, the digital movies and sounds aren't as helpful. Good introduction to research skills, even for lower level proficiency students. The Windows version has one feature that is definitely worth looking into. It's called Editing Room and it's basically a multimedia report writing option. Students can take pictures, videos, animations, sound, and even create narration to develop a multimedia slide presentation of their research findings. There are sample shows on the disk which give students ideas for things they can create. It's a great deal considering you get the encyclopedia with all of its images and sounds and this multimedia report writer on one disk. (Magoto)
- Machine: Win vocabulary
Publisher: R.J.C. Watt
Approximate single-unit price: $100
Purchase options: $40 ea additional copy
Level: Intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
Text analysis and concordance software. Powerful and flexible program. You can download a 30-day trial from the website at
Connected Speech
- Machine: Win Pronunciation
Publisher: Protea Textware
Approximate single-unit price: $90
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All but K-8
This program focuses on suprasegmentals, the most current approach to pronunciation teaching. It uses 27 video clips with 9 different speakers with a range of accents. A wide range of activities includes oral and visual feedback and some speech recognition. Three levels: lower intermediate, intermediate, and advanced are provided. This is helpful, since many pronunciation products use vocabulary that is far too difficult and uncommon for any but advanced students. North American, Australian, and British versions sold separately. See a full review at
Constructing the Paragraph
- Machine: Mac, Win writing
Publisher: Computers for Education
See also
CALL-IS Mac Library, Geoff Taylor
Approximate single-unit price: $25
Purchase options: site
Level: Intermediate For: All but K-6
This program is now online and free at Designed to prepare upper intermediate and advanced ESL students for success in academic writing courses. The focus of the instruction is on identifying topic sentences, understanding the structure of topic sentences, the function of supporting sentences, the use of transition words and phrases, and common paragraph organization patterns in English. The example texts used in the tutorials are short and generally relevant to student interests. Online only.
Core Reading and Vocabulary Development
- Machine: Mac/Win reading, vocabulary
Publisher: Educational Activities Software
Approximate single-unit price: $675
Purchase options: lab, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 3-6, Adult
Special use: Elementary
This program is a comprehensive approach to reading and language development. In the first phase, students see, hear, say, and record each word. The second phase is a reading of the lesson text, 2-3 sentences per screen. The same text is then presented in a timed reading exercise, one phrase at a time. Next the student completes reading comprehension exercises. Students can refer back to the text to find the answer, and on an incorrect response the computer highlights the sentence where the answer should have been found. For vocabulary practice, students complete words from sentences in the text and choose the correct spelling. Directions are spoken in English and Spanish. This is sold separately or as part of the ESL/Basic Literacy bundle.
Critical Mass
- Machine: Mac, Win reading, listening
Publisher: H+a Software
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Advanced For: All but K-9
Special use: Science
Designed for native speakers, this includes video clips, text, and graphics about 'America's Race to Build the Atomic Bomb.' CD-ROM
CrossCountry Canada Platinum
- Machine: Win, Mac discussion
Publisher: Ingenuity Works
Approximate single-unit price: $70
Purchase options: site, network
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: All
Using a realistic, yet fun visual format this geography simulation lets students take on the role of a long distance truck driver. Students make decisions about finding and delivering in a timely fashion up to 52 different commodities to 180 cities. Students need to read maps, calculate distances, estimate expenses, and plan cost-effective routes from coast to coast. The program and accompanying teacherÕs manual offer many possibilities for ESL/EFL communicative language practice through cooperative learning tasks. Also available: Cross Country California and Cross Country Texas in Macintosh disk format. Mac/Windows CD-ROM. Demo version is on the TESOL/CELIA CD-ROM and available on the publisher's website.
CrossCountry USA
- Machine: Mac, Win discussion
Publisher: Ingenuity Works
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Purchase options: lab, site
Level: Intermediate, advanced For: Any
Using a realistic, yet fun visual format this geography simulation lets students take on the role of a long distance truck driver. Students make decisions about finding and delivering in a timely fashion up to 52 different commodities to 180 cities. Students need to read maps, calculate distances, estimate expenses, and plan cost-effective routes from coast to coast. The program and accompanying teacherÕs manual offer many possibilities for ESL/EFL communicative language practice through cooperative learning tasks. Also available: Cross Country California and Cross Country Texas in Macintosh disk format. Demo version is on the TESOL/CELIA CD-ROM. CrossCountry USA is now downloadable from the company's website (requires credit card) or on CD-ROM.
Crossword Creator
- Machine: Mac, Win t util, vocabulary
Publisher: Centron Software Technologies
Approximate single-unit price: $30
Level: Intermediate, advanced, teacher For: All
Crossword puzzle maker. Includes a thesaurus to help in generating clues. This package received several recommendations and was praised for being easy to use, though it helps to read the documentation in order to take advantage of all the features. Puzzles can be solved on screen, printed out, or exported to a word-processor. Can be downloaded or ordered on CD.
Crossword Magic
- Machine: Win/Mac vocabulary
Publisher: Mindscape
Approximate single-unit price: $60
Purchase options: lab, site, network
Level: Beginning, intermediate, advanced For: All
CD-ROM version of one of the original crossword puzzle generators. Has multilingual capability. Crosswords can be played onscreen or printed out.
- Machine: Win reading
Publisher: Harcourt Achieve
Purchase options: contact publisher
Level: Beginning, intermediate For: 9-12, Adult
The full series includes software, teacher’s manual, books for independent reading, onsite training and installation, CD- and Web-delivered professional development and technical support. Reading is taught through exercises working on vocabulary, phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency and comprehension.
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Last updated 01/15/2009 by Deborah Healey.
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